Double Standard

When other people’s behavior bothers you, it’s usually because you view it as unloving. When you judge them rather than see them with compassion, your behavior matches theirs. Jump off that wavelength. Change begins with you. Merci...

Chill Factor

Trying to control people and events can lead to frustration and even hostility. When things aren’t going your way, a big, deep breath can do wonders to reset your mood. Remind yourself that all really is as it should be and will be changing momentarily....

Clear Vision

What is, is never a mistake. Believing that you’re a victim of circumstance only causes suffering. When you understand and accept that what is, is what needs to be, you can then discover how it’s for you. Open to the new gifts that appear every moment....

Loosen the Knot

Think of something in your life that you have no control over and you’re unhappy about. Now, let go and accept it. Relax and allow it to be. Tying yourself up in knots doesn’t help. Remember, all things come to pass. Untangle. Merci