Inaccurate Perception

What we see is so distorted by our conditioning that we often misread situations and create problems that don’t actually exist. Science now informs us that even our behavior can be inherited through DNA. Emotional problems that plagued our ancestors might fill...

What’s Your Story?

“Everyone’s doing the best they can considering the story they’re telling themselves.” Jay Lalezari. According to Noam Chomsky, there are only perceptual realities and these are unique to each person. Quantum theory confirms this with the axiom...

Good and Bad

Everything you encounter exists on the continuum between opposites; the plane of polarities. Good and bad are defined in relation to one another and are different only in degree. Without your version of bad, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish good. Independent...

Do What You Love

It’s easy to fall into the habit of doing things to please others rather than because you actually want to. The only problem with that is you can never really know what they want, and you may have given up doing something of great benefit to you. Even if you...

Get Conscious

Your unique filter influences your personal preferences and causes you to respond to stimuli differently than others. What this means is that it’s not actually what happens that creates the way you feel, but rather how you process it. If you’d like to...