Opposition Summons Greatness

Without challenges, difficulties and even hardships we’d soften, stagnate and decay. Muscles need to be used to be strong, impact is healthy for bones and stretching ourselves makes us reach higher then we might otherwise. People who examine their lives will...

Nothing to Defend

There’s absolutely nothing to be defensive about. You’re exactly who you need to be in this moment. Any ‘blind spots’ you have (and we all have them) will create interactions and experiences that will bring them to your attention. Those...

Feedback Is Your Friend

If you look at every interaction, event, opportunity and challenge as information providing you with important insight on what you’ve been doing, are doing and could be doing, everything that ever happens will help guide your growth. Doing the same things...

Grow Around It

One of the things you can absolutely count on is that you will occasionally encounter people, places and situations that don’t suit your preferences. There will be times when life feels like an unfair struggle. You can’t predict the what, when or where of...

Challenges Signal Growth

Challenges are a normal part of life. But how we feel about them has to do with our narrative. When we look at difficulties as passages we must traverse in order to grow to the next level of awareness, we can actually feel fortunate to have them. This attitude helps...