Context Is Everything

When something happens that appears bad, fretting may seem understandable, but that might actually signal a shortsighted view and a lack of understanding. At any point in time, we only see a tiny slice of ultimate truth. Events that seem negative often prove in...

The Power of Perspective

Experiences land on each of us differently depending on our history, beliefs and attitude. No matter how much importance the world places on any particular event, the crucial factor for us is how it makes us feel. The details of what happens are often our of our...

Real to You

People perceive the world in different ways. Each person’s experience of it is unique. What appears important and real to you isn’t necessarily so to someone else. Realizing that we’re in a self-created construct enables us explore how our version of...


Interviews with survivors who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge confirm that they all had one amazing thing in common. An instant after leaping, every one of them felt immediate regret. They realized in those four short seconds how each problem, even those that seemed...

The Ladder of Awareness

Your perspective of life is as unique as your fingerprint. Your viewpoint at any given moment is the result of both your nature and your experience. Although you can’t do much about your nature, you can definitely examine and transform beliefs that no longer...