Reacting to Ourselves

How we perceive others reflects how we actually feel about ourselves. The more self-accepting we are, the more we allow others to be themselves; the more critical we are inside, the more we judge the outside. It shows emotional intelligence to notice and avoid others...

Treat Yourself Well

The way to make the world a better place is to treat ourselves well. We unconsciously judge and treat others the same way we judge and treat ourselves. If we learn to be kind and patient, develop appropriate boundaries and avoid harsh judgments, we will naturally...

Better Relationships

It’s much easier to have good relationships when you feel good about yourself. If you have a habit of being hard on yourself, you’ll project that out and act the same way with others. Being kind is natural when you realize that you’re the product of...

Winning Strategy

Competing against others in order to convince yourself that you’re superior may bring a temporary high, but it’ll eventually backfire. Sooner or later, someone else will come along who’s more talented and that will feel as bad as winning feels good....

Owning Bad Behavior

When we’ve said or done something we regret, owning it and apologizing to those concerned is the self-loving thing to do. Whether they forgive us or not is beyond our control, but taking responsibility for our part and making amends helps us forgive ourselves....