The Perfect Mirror

Even when we’re certain that our problems are caused by others, there’s a constant in every situation that ought to make us question this notion: US! We may feel better temporarily if we consider others to be responsible for our hardship, but it will be to...

Mantra Away Judgments

What you say and think radiates through your body and being, affecting you first and foremost. That’s why it’s so important to refrain from mental or verbal criticism of anyone. Eliminating the unconscious habit of complaining or criticizing has a...

Turn Your Judgments Around

Every time you have a negative thought about someone, harbor a resentment or even feel annoyed, you diminish your own energy. That’s why it’s critical to spend time with people you appreciate and admire. If you have to be around people whose personalities...

Perfect Reflection

Try looking at every relationship, both loving and difficult, as an offering that can help you expand your level of self-awareness. The way you feel about others shows you how you feel about yourself. You can recognize what you judge in yourself by the intensity of...


Our relationships can reveal a lot about ourselves if we’re courageous enough to use them that way. For instance, when someone pushes our buttons and we go within to inquire about what’s actually bugging us, we’ll often find something in ourselves...