Racing Mind

Does your mind sometimes go out of control, thinking about one thing after another? Like the first one in a huge dog pile, your poor mind is at the bottom of the heap unable to effectively think about anything. Suffering under the agony of this combined weight, the...

Peace Now

If you want to feel better right now, accept what is. Allow this moment to be. Honor your feelings and remember that not all feelings need to be acted on even though they do need to be felt. Arguing with the reality of the situation is stressful and futile. When you...

Open Minds Are More Fun

Healthy conversations are like collaborative dances of stories, ideas, facts and opinions. Free and open-minded exchanges provide opportunities to establish fulfilling intellectual and emotional connections. Rigid or fixed minds are unlikely to allow new ideas to...


Your perspective influences not only what you look for, but also what you see. Everyone is trying to understand the world through their own lens. While no single version of reality completely captures the truth, each person’s filter ensures that their beliefs...

Judgments Are Self-Revealing

If you notice yourself frequently judging people, take note. Failure to accept others is usually a sign that you lack self-acceptance. Though you probably think your judgments are about them, you’re often just reacting to behavior that you also engage in, feel...