Important Questions

The poignancy of the Corona Virus is waking us up to the preciousness, fragility and impermanence of life. A crisis like this can prompt serious self-inquiry, such as: What really matters to me? What makes life more difficult or doesn’t serve my well-being? What...

Gratitude Power

When you feel grateful, not only does it make the radiance of your vibration delightful to be around, it attracts people, places and things that resonate with your energy. No matter what’s happening for you in a particular moment, it’s always possible to...

Never Have to Wait Again

Do you get impatient or indignant waiting when others are late? If you’d like to stop torturing yourself over someone else’s behavior, you can create a whole new way of thinking. It has to do with accepting each moment as it comes and avoiding blame....

Power of Perspective

Where you focus your attention determines the quality of your experience. Spending your time looking at what’s wrong bolsters the ego, but lowers your vibration. Finding the good raises your vibration so you see everything, even what needs fixing, from an...

Happy Gratitude Day

In the United States, the 4th Thursday of November is a day that Americans traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving, in honor of the first harvest for the Pilgrims in the New World in 1621. Native Americans call the same occasion ‘A Day of Mourning’ because of...