Acceptance and Flow

Most of us live in a dreamworld that’s a product of our programming and personal experience. Because this self-created filter so completely colors our perception, we see the world in a way that predictably fulfills our expectations. The concept of awakening...

Not Missing Out

The daily diet of images portraying beautiful people with ideal lives can keep us living with a constant feeling of lack, trying to be more, do more and have more. It can cause us to compulsively strive for perfection in every part of our existence. With this...

Getting Good Search Results

Your attention operates like a highly sophisticated internet search engine. Whatever key words (or ideas) you input into the search bar (focus your attention on) will deliver bountiful results. Your mind and the way you selectively direct your attention bring the...

Life’s a Buffet

Imagine standing in front of a smorgasbord trying to decide what to put on your plate. Instead of complaining about the items you don’t like, you’d be scanning the offerings for anything that looks delicious. Life offers you an almost endless variety of...

The Myth of Mistakes

The concept that something was a mistake is based upon the incorrect  understanding that what doesn’t seem right to you, must be wrong. In truth, what occurs at any moment is the culmination of everything that’s happened up until that instant in time. Even...