False Self vs. True Self

Most of us identify with the part of our personality that’s created by our conditioning. It’s actually an energetic entity that sustains itself through a variety of unconscious behavior. Fault-finding, criticizing, judging, comparing, serving up fearful...


We all enter into this world pure and innocent. We become programmed through our experiences and eventually begin to believe we’re the programming, rather than the one who was programmed. Beneath the layers of this false sense of self, remains that pure,...

What’s Important?

Trying to carve out a name for ourselves can cause us to lose sight of what’s really important. The quest for approval often steers us away from what our heart knows is real. At the end of life, no one wishes their career had been more successful. They may,...

Identity Proposition

Our identities are double edge swords. Trying to develop ones that impress others can inspire us to greatness, but attachment to the image others have of us keeps us chasing. It’s hard to let go of our constructed self-images until we either become healthy or...

Smooth Ride

The more conscious we are, the smoother and more balanced our journey through life. We won’t be immune to sadness or loss and we will still be moved by beauty and grace, but we’ll live between the extremes, in equanimity. Regularly tapping into a sense of...