Identification with the Mind

If we’re identified with what happens in our mind, then it’s natural to believe that solutions can be found there, too. That’s a recipe for a dizzying stream of thoughts whirling around as we try to devise remedies using the same instrument that...

Master Yourself

It doesn’t matter if you’re living alone in a cave, every thought you think has an energetic impact on you and the whole planet. If you want to massively improve your quality of life and that of those around you, be as mindful as you can of your energetic...

Change Where it Counts

Your outer experience is a perfect reflection of what goes on within you. If you’re not at peace, you’ll perceive disharmony out there. If you’re hard on yourself, you’ll be hard on others, too. Life will continue to mirror back what you...

Rise Above Your Thoughts

Your mind loves assessing, judging, declaring and narrating everything that happens. That’s its nature. It’s just as capable of creating wonderful inventions as it is unnecessary anxiety. But you don’t have to be at the mercy of the bad stuff. Rather...

Abiding Peace

It’s delightful to luxuriate in the quiet of a natural setting. But even when you’re alone in a pristine environment, your habitual thought stream can begin to flow and pull you out of the stillness. The only lasting peace is the kind you create inside...