Trusting Attitude

Since change is a constant in this life, it’s makes sense to develop a healthy attitude about it. The way you prepare for big life changes greatly impacts how you experience them. If the unknowns cause you to live in fear, you’ll miss opportunities that...

Everything Is For You

It’s easy to see how situations you appreciate benefit you, but the upside is trickier to find when something disturbing or unwanted happens. These are the times when it’s normal to complain and find an outsider person or force to blame. Any relief...

The Power of Perspective

Experiences land on each of us differently depending on our history, beliefs and attitude. No matter how much importance the world places on any particular event, the crucial factor for us is how it makes us feel. The details of what happens are often our of our...

Transform Resistance

When you experience strong resistance to something that seems unlikely to change, the best thing you can possibly do is change your attitude about it. While that might not seem like an appealing alternative, it beats the ongoing discomfort of disliking what is. You...

You Choose Your Feelings

Your emotional environment is created by your thoughts. Where you place anything on the continuum from good to bad determines how you feel about it. Habitually identifying things as wrong or bad will eventually lower your emotional set point. To radically improve the...