Are You Living the Life You Want?

You may not believe that your thoughts created your experience of your present circumstances. It seems like it’s all just happening, right? Just for a moment, consider that any feelings you have of discontent are just habitual. They originated in reaction to something you experienced in your past. These familiar feelings continue to simmer in the background just waiting for outer circumstances or people to project them onto.

It can be difficult to break the habit of fault finding and complaining, but if you want to rewrite the script, you have to rewrite the script! The script is created by all your thoughts, memories, words and actions. Your momentum in life propels you in the direction you’re already going, unless you step in and make a conscious effort to alter your course. If you are frequently complaining, more to complain about is surely in your future. When you become conscious of your power to create and begin to act as if things are the way you want them, you will be amazed at how quickly transformation occurs.

You have the choice to interpret your life as you wish. Is it possible you could actually enjoy every aspect of your life? There’s one way you can find out: feed what you love and starve what you don’t and watch what happens in your life.

Want to play a little game to see how your thoughts are creating your feelings of discontent? Pick a single unsatisfying aspect of your life. Refrain from complaining (even in your mind) about it for a week. Make a commitment to yourself to start looking for things you actually like about this person, place or thing. Write your commitment down.

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