Intellect and Intuition

A strong intellect is a handy tool. It’s great to be able to retain facts and weave them together cleverly, win arguments and explain things. But your heart and intuition are where you’ll find your truth. Besides, your intellect doesn’t love…...

Trouble is Transient

You’ve already got the keys to the castle of happiness, you just have to remember to use them. One of the master keys is understanding that everything is always in a state of flux. Even the most unpleasant situation will eventually transform into something else....

Tell the Truth

Every time you don’t tell the truth, you set yourself apart from your authentic Self and go a little out of balance. If your life feels chaotic and confusing, look where you aren’t being completely honest about how you really feel. Telling the truth...

Truth is Relative

No matter how real your experience seems to you, it’s not always an accurate indicator of the truth. Experience is just perception filtered through conditioning. Different filters create different experiences. Good to remember when your perception doesn’t...