Living in Fear

Living in fear feels grim. When you think back on all the times you feared something that didn’t happen or actually benefited from things you feared that did happen, you might reconsider the usefulness of investing energy in that emotion at all. Excessive fear...

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

This little aphorism may sound jejune, however, it’s actually very deep. Worry, stresses your body, lowers your energy and hampers creative thinking and problem solving. When you trust that future problems will come with solutions, you don’t expend...

Follow Your Heart and Trust

When life presents you with a significant fork in the road, don’t worry. Quietly tune in and ask yourself what you really want. Don’t allow fear to creep into the equation. Assume that you have no limits. You needn’t necessarily undertake outrageous...

Acceptance Is the Balm

When you trust that everything you experience has a positive benefit for you, it’s much easier to accept even the hardest and scariest situations. Since you can’t ever be sure how things will turn out, it doesn’t make sense to waste one...

Happy Mother’s Day

In many countries, the second Sunday in May is celebrated as ‘Mother’s Day’ to express gratitude for the many sacrifices mothers make as they carry, birth and nurture us. It’s also the perfect day to acknowledge and honor the Universal Mother...