Your Unstoppable Power

Your higher self is untouchable and autonomous from outside circumstances. The more you connect with this presence, the freer you are to enjoy life’s journey in every situation. It doesn’t matter what happens. Good or bad, nothing can upset your resolve or...

Change With Grace

Trees naturally allow their leaves to die and fall away. For them, it’s a normal part of the cycle of life. If you can think of your unwanted habits and unpleasant emotions as old leaves and let go gracefully, you’ll avoid a lot of suffering. You’ll...

There’s a Way Out

Suffering is a fact of life. It’s the first of Buddha’s Four Noble Truths. According to him, you suffer when you crave something or have aversion to it. This psychic discomfort results from wanting something you don’t have or wanting to get rid of...

When You’re Angry

If you’re like most people, you wouldn’t trade even your most painful times for someone else’s experiences. Those difficult parts of your journey were important formative events that shaped you into who you are now. When you live as if everything is...

Resistance Creates Suffering

There’s a big difference between suffering and pain. Pain is a message from your body telling you to take notice or make an adjustment. It might be instructing you to move your hand away from a flame or encouraging you to stop banging your head against the wall...