Unto Thyself

Until you’re deeply satisfied with yourself, you’ll continue to search for external affirmation. But relying on the outside world for reassurance interferes with your ability to relate and connect to others authentically. When you’re whole and...

The Power of Love

Some people operate under that assumption that being tough on ourselves when we make mistakes is the only way to succeed. But, that’s not really sound thinking. In fact, the kinder we are to ourselves, the happier and more successful we’ll be in everything...

Inner Composure

Inner composure is the center-piece of well-being. It’s a by-product of being authentic about who we are and how we feel. Acknowledging and feeling our feelings as sensations, allows them to to be heard and dissolve when we’ve absorped the lessons we need...

Identity Threat

Self-Love Conquers Insecurity When you feel dismissed, judged or slighted by someone, holding onto a grievance against them only deepens the lack of validation you feel. Engaging with their judgment (imagined or real), ensures that you experience the energy of that...

Way Beyond Approval

Deeply peaceful people radiate a confidence that emanates from a sense of wholeness. They don’t feel the need to prove their worth or recount their accomplishments. They already believe in themselves. Their self-image doesn’t depend on favorably...