Emotional Freedom

None of us have complete control of what happens in our lives. But in terms of our awareness, we do have total sovereignty. We have the ability to learn how to minimize our own suffering, promote our well-being and deflect negativity from outside forces. However, this...

Moments: Love the One You’re With

How you do something is as important as what you do. Feeling resentment for what you’re doing radiates a vibration that negatively affects you, those around you and on some level, the entire world. It alienates you from others and them from you. In contrast,...

Inner Peace

It’s as easy to find something to complain about as it is something to appreciate. While you have to address unsatisfying issues, don’t make it part of your identity to be the ‘one who sees’ what’s needs fixing. It momentarily boosts the...

Why Worry Now?

Worrying about potential future problems leaves you feeling powerless because you can’t solve problems that don’t yet exist. Any scenario you might conjure up won’t be complete because there’s undoubtedly important information missing from the...


Challenges always come with their own solutions but, in order to see them, you have to be present. Worry is a sign that you’re living in the future. Out of the limitless ways to focus your attention in any given moment you’re choosing to place it on...