by Merci Gracia | Apr 27, 2012 | Compassion, Forgiveness, Judgments, Love, Self-Awareness
The degree to which you dislike someone is an indicator of the degree to which you’re withholding love from yourself. The more you love yourself, the more you look with compassion on the shortcomings of others. However, your judgments do provide you with...
by Merci Gracia | Nov 1, 2011 | Fear, Habits, Judgments, Self-Awareness
It’s easy to see how you attack others with judgmental thoughts. Can you find how you criticize yourself in the same way? When you stop attacking others, you stop attacking yourself. And vice versa. Merci
by Merci Gracia | Sep 28, 2011 | Acceptance, Compassion, Self-Awareness, Understanding
When you find yourself harshly judging someone, quickly ask your Inner Peace Maker to transform the thought into one of tolerance and understanding. Judgments make you feel temporarily superior, but before you know what hit you, the judgment boomerangs right back at...