Go with Love

How you think will determine if you’re happy or disgruntled. The reality you experience isn’t actually what is, but rather how you define it. Every time you criticize, assess blame, express intolerance or arrogantly dismiss others, you immerse yourself in...

Pain as Portal

Each of us has a well of accumulated disappointment and hurt inside of us that is waiting to be healed. When part of it rises to the surface of our awareness, it’s an opportunity to heal it. Because it’s uncomfortable, we often repress it, seek distraction...

Carry Expectations Lightly

It’s useful to anticipate leading the kind of life you want. Just don’t get so caught up in expecting the details to show up in the way you envision that you become disheartened by the slightest deviation. Skillful and successful living isn’t...

Joy Creates More of the Same

Our state of mind creates a vibration that influences what actually shows up in our field of awareness. Imagination plays an enormous role in shaping our experience of reality. If we can’t yet imagine something, we can take baby steps in the right direction by...

Never-ending Opportunity

The more you practice anything, the better you get at it. If you want to become an expert at living joyfully, practice focusing your attention on what you want rather than on what you don’t like. Drop the story about what’s wrong and redirect your focus....