The Best Medicine

Your thoughts can make you happy or even scare you to death. While stress raises your blood pressure and takes the fun out of life, gratitude and compassion can relieve it and fill your heart with joy. Developing an awareness of your thought patterns and checking in...

What’s Your Story and How Does it Feel?

Your quality of life is the direct result of the story you tell about it. You weave together your interpretation of the world according to your belief system. Once you realize how subjective it all is, you can create a new experience of life just by changing your...

Appreciate Today

Don’t make the mistake of waiting until something is gone to begin appreciating it. Get into the habit of noticing the everyday blessings that surround you. Acknowledge just how fortunate you are for the people, the opportunities, the experiences, and even for...

The Power of Attitude

When you expect the highest purpose to unfold in life and ask to be shown how everything is for you, whatever happens can be seen as a gift. If you anticipate disappointment, that expectation is like a request for it. Your attitude is so powerful that even small...