Be a Light

Your life constantly reflects back to you the quality of the energy you put out. You reap the consequences of every thought you entertain. Negative, fearful or judgmental thinking drains you, while love and appreciation ensures that you radiate a glowing frequency...

Tend to Your Own Garden

You are the creator of your own experience. You have all the ingredients you need to design the life you desire. You plant seeds with your thoughts, water them with your focus and fertilize them with your imagination. Rather than complaining about the weeds, pluck...

Just Trust

It’s a universal law and simple truth: what you focus on expands. Life follows your cues and gives you what you think about most. Focusing on problems tends to keep them around. Looking for solutions and what you actually want, energizes that. Trusting that life...

Check the Negativity

The ego loves to notice what’s wrong with people, places or things and pronounce its observation to anybody who’ll listen. It makes you feel insightful and smart enough (momentarily) to notice what isn’t as good as it could be. But this fleeting...

Focus on Health

The best way to maintain good health is to love yourself, keep your attention on what feels good and enjoy life. You energize whatever you focus on. If you experience a physical challenge, don’t talk about it anymore than is absolutely necessary. Instead,...