Context Is Everything

When something happens that appears bad, fretting may seem understandable, but that might actually signal a shortsighted view and a lack of understanding. At any point in time, we only see a tiny slice of ultimate truth. Events that seem negative often prove in...

Let’s Become Even Better

We can create the country we want by focusing on how good we feel living here. Experiments have proven that focusing on what’s right raises the quality of everything. Acknowledging what needs fixing while spending most of our energy on what’s right, makes...

Wisdom Vs. Knowledge

Our experience of life is determined by our mental habits. Do we focus on what’s working or what’s broken? Do we blame and complain about what’s wrong or do we actively try to find solutions? Do we cling to the familiar even when it’s not...


Mastering the art of being happy doesn’t require making any complicated maneuvers. It does necessitate having a simple intention. Sit still, close your eyes, relax your body and allow everything other than present moment awareness to fall away. Let worry, anger...

Trust in Life

Only a very small percentage of the things you feel anxious about will actually turn out to be as bad as you fear. Poorly trained minds grab hold of scary thoughts and join them together like cars on a long train. The cumulative weight of these worries creates a...