by Merci Gracia | May 22, 2012 | Fear, Freedom, Love
What you perceive in any moment is an incomplete slice of reality seen through your particular filters. If your interpretation causes you distress, don’t take it too seriously. Remember that you can’t know if your fearful thoughts are even true. If you...
by Merci Gracia | Apr 28, 2012 | Awareness, Conscious, Discernment, Fear, Imagine, interpretation, Judgments, Perception
Fight or flight can be an appropriate response to immediate danger. But the mind can trick you into thinking there’s danger when there isn’t (like when you see a snake–but it’s only a rope.) When that happens, the fear impulse can impede your...
by Merci Gracia | Mar 29, 2012 | Attention, Compassion, Conscious, Discernment, Fear, Feelings, Perception
Even dismal situations can reveal valuable new insights that improve your life. Some remind you how resilient, capable and adaptable you are. Others teach the temporariness of all experience. Still others remind you to appreciate moments you might otherwise take for...
by Merci Gracia | Mar 16, 2012 | Acceptance, Balance, Beliefs, Fear, Generous, Honesty, Judgments
Next time you’re arguing with someone and you start to feel indignant because science and popular opinion are on your side, remember even the experts don’t always agree with one another. In the words of Voltaire, “Doubt is not a pleasant...
by Merci Gracia | Jan 4, 2012 | Advice, Fear, Inner Presence, Miracles, Synchronicity
When you believe you’re just a body, fear is your constant companion. When you get in touch with your Inner Presence, the boundless magic of life becomes apparent. It’s easy to tell when you’ve tapped into a deeper understanding of reality because...