Creating Meaning

Nothing really means anything until we assign meaning to it. We fabricate stories, repeat them, believe them and then look for others who agree and validate our spin. When someone comes along with a different point of view, we judge and dislike them. Sometimes we...

Differences Drive Growth

No one has exactly the same conditioning, beliefs or biological makeup as you. When others don’t respond to you the way you’d like or expect, remember that it’s not personal. They’re just reacting from their point of view, which doesn’t...

Know Thyself Through Meditation

In each moment, you have the option of focusing on any one of ten thousand things. Though you typically keep your attention on what you already ‘know’, it is possible for you to expand your horizons. Instead of merely continuing to fill your mind with...


Most everyone thinks their own way of seeing the world is the best. We all have our viewpoints and interpret everything we see in a way that fits in with our paradigm.There’s little point in trying to convince anyone that your way of seeing the world is more...

Pure Under It All

Real love doesn’t depend on agreement. It extends itself to others in spite of differences of opinion. It focuses on the essential goodness that lies within every person. No matter how disparate your beliefs may be (and they are just beliefs), when you direct...