You Can Be Joyful Now

Life presents you with all kinds of trials and tribulations, but fortunately you’re not living life in monochrome. You’re capable of experincing the sorrow of an ending while simultaneously appreciating new beginnings. You only lose balance when you insist...

Neutrality Beats the Extremes

The way you habitually think creates not only your experience of life, but also the external conditions you attract into it. When your approach is realistically positive, things flow more easily. However, pretending that the negative doesn’t exist and being...

Shakespeare’s Message for You

Almost anything can be seen as either good or bad – it just depends on your point of view. The way something appears to you is based on your interpretation, which is formed through the lens of your belief system. Just becoming aware that you are seeing through a...

A Balanced You Makes a Healthy Two

Your love relationships are based on a mix of the three aspects of your being: body, mind and spirit. You can be physically attracted to someone and not share a mind connection or vice versa. You can feel a spiritual connection and deep attraction with someone who has...