by Merci Gracia | Sep 14, 2012 | Acceptance, Conditioning, Freedom
When you accept the fact that you won’t be liked by everyone, you enjoy the freedom of just being you! No matter how hard you try to alter your personality to fit the preferences of others, you’ll inevitably come up lacking in some peoples’...
by Merci Gracia | May 26, 2012 | Authenticity, Conscious, Discernment, Happiness, Perception, Success
Don’t confuse fame, money or even a great career, with happiness. Those are just what society designates as markers of well-lived lives. But the truth is, these things won’t make you feel fulfilled. They might make you proud or satisfied for a brief moment...
by Merci Gracia | Mar 21, 2012 | Authenticity, Flow, Honesty, Joy, Trust
Your life flows when you live in alignment with your beliefs and values. Pretending to be who (you think) others want you to be, only makes you resentful and impedes your happiness. Follow your heart and express yourself honestly. Others will trust you and enjoy your...
by Merci Gracia | Oct 23, 2011 | Attention, Authenticity, Conscious, Discernment, Habits, Harmony, Mastery
You know how sometimes, when you’re about to pick up the phone, that very person calls you? Or how two totally unconnected people invent the same thing at the same time in different parts of the world? Though it’s not always obvious, there’s actually...
by Merci Gracia | Sep 21, 2011 | Authenticity, Fear
Authentic achievement can bring great joy and satisfaction. However, when goals are compulsively driven by the fear of not being good enough, your driver will take you on a wild goose chase. You know it’s authentic when you’re doing it for the love of it....