Inspired or Driven?

There’s a huge difference in how you feel when your actions are motivated by inspiration rather than fear. When you’re naturally drawn to do something, it feels effortless and good. When fear is driving you, you feel compelled to prove your worthiness....

Behind the Facade

It’s normal to want to portray a consistent personality to the world so you match others’ expectations of you. But that’s not the authentic you. As a youngster you received praise for certain behavior and then continued to act that way because the...

The Ring of Authenticity

You’ve been inundated and enticed with images and ideas of what you could be, have or do since the moment you were born. All that noise can make it difficult for you to zero in on your own natural preferences. Every now and then, take a moment to check in and...

The World According to You

What if you could choose how you want to feel in every moment? What if your sense of well being, contentment and worthiness had nothing whatsoever to do with how you’re evaluated by others? What if you could just relax into feeling comfortable being who you are...

Make the World a Brighter Place

If you want to do the world a big favor, love yourself more. When you love yourself and feel worthy, it’s so much easier to love and appreciate others. When you’re satisfied, you don’t need to search for approval from the outside world, and...