Do As They’d Do

Imagine Buddha, Jesus, Hermes, Krishna, Lao Tze, and Mohammad, along with other great souls, having a conversation together. Do you think they’d argue or enjoy finding the common thread of their individual insights? Would they view one another as a threat or...

Look Within to Discover

If some aspect of your life isn’t going just the way you want it to, try looking within for the cause. You’re the one defining success and failure. Why not try accepting what is, as it is. Resisting makes you feel bad and puts you in a vibration...


Basing your identity on something you’re against is a trick the ego plays to keep you confused. For instance, the word atheist means not a theist. How can someone be not something that they actually think doesn’t exist? The word non-dual acknowledges...

Don’t Fight, Go Deeper

Whatever you focus your attention on creates a relationship with it. It doesn’t matter what aspect of life, your approach determines the quality of your experience and influences the outcome. If you want to improve a relationship, your career or health, stop...

The Only One You Can Change

Wanting others to change to fit your tastes is a mission doomed to failure. They have their own trajectory in life to complete just as you do. Even at times when their actions feel uncomfortably out of alignment with your preferences, they are simply dancing to the...