When you judge others, you can’t help but expect them to judge you. Your own subconscious mind will measure and dissect every aspect of your own existence in the same way you judge your fellow man. You may not even be aware of how harsh your self-critic is, but it will level it’s unforgiving criticism at you at least as much as it does to others. The solution? Make every effort to let others be. They are performing at their optimum level. If they could do better, don’t you think they would?
Same for you.
Steve and Jarl
I used to be confused about “How is this problem for you?”. I was reading it like, “How IS this problem for you”. Now I see to read it as “How is this problem FOR you?” Aha. I am still learning about reading and writing. Tricky stuff! If you ever need a hand making a mountain out of a molehill, just let me know. Love, Larry
Dear Larry, That must be equally our inability to express ourselves clearly! Thank you, as always, for your loving support.
Love and light,
Steve and Jarl