Some people dismiss visualization and positive thinking as being too ‘New Age’. However, these practices are predicated upon the basic truth that whatever you focus on expands, not only in your own awareness, but ‘out there’ in three dimensional reality, too. Even if you don’t believe that your thoughts affect what shows up in your day to day life, you can’t deny that they influence how you feel about yourself and others. That’s why obsessive focus on what’s wrong creates something worse than no fruit…
Sour grapes.
Steve and Jarl
I’m very glad you alluded to the prejudice against the “New Age”. I have shared in that confusion, in reaction to a lot of ignorance within the “movement”.
But now I get the big picture, and see that the heart of the “New Age” is actually the “Old Age” that the hubris of imperialism and technology has obscured. I am deeply touched by Joanna Macy and David Korten, and you have led me there.
Thank you Larry. Sometimes that diminutive appellation is simply used to dismiss valid tried and true techniques that, while based on a solid foundation of hundreds (if not thousands) of years of use, don’t meet the limited scientific standard of legitimacy. Ironically, those that dispense entire streams of thought out of hand without even sampling their potential efficacy are not at all behaving like the most original scientists do – with a sense of open curiosity.