The Power of Polarity

According to the theory of yin and yang, everything contains a balance of good and bad. Once we understand this theory, we know that the projection of our opinions, formed from our conditioning, is what actually determines our feelings. This awareness shows us that we...

Holding It All

Life is constantly changing, In bountiful times, it’s wise to acknowledge our good fortune and remember that its all temporary. This helps anchor our perspective so when we inevitably experience the unwanted side of the continuum, we naturally recall that those...

Interconnectedness of Opposites

Just like a coin, everything has two sides. We can only know something by knowing its opposite. We identify what we like by identifying what we don’t. When challenges, disagreements and difficulties arise, the recognition that both sides must exist can help...

The Play of Opposites

The universal law of polarity instructs us that everything is accompanied by its opposite. Every tide that comes in must go out. There’s no right without wrong, yin and yang aren’t good or bad, just opposing sides of the same thing. If we’re unaware...

No Bad without Good

Some challenges feel so bad it’s hard to imagine you’ll ever recover. That’s when it’s most important not to deny or stuff your anguish. Feeling your feelings is a central part of moving through hardships. But even at the lowest point, you can...

Yin, Yang and You

The yin yang symbol is a visual guide that elegantly portrays the nature of reality. The outer rim represents the ultimate oneness of everything. The opposing sides each contain within them an element of their opposite, suggesting that nothing is completely one-sided....