Creating Positive Change

Dissatisfaction creates the desire for change. But if we take action with the negative energy of resistance, we create more of the same. When we accept reality as it is, what shows up next is more likely to be aligned with what we want. Practicing non-resistance puts...

Our Attention Is an Offering

How we direct our attention matters. If we’re primarily focused on what our mate, children or friends do wrong, the way we treat them and the way they feel about us is very different than when we’re focused on what they do right. Finding fault in people...

New Paradigm

Our thoughts create a feedback loop. What we think about and how we interpret reality impacts our energetic vibration. This dramatically influences how we see what shows up next. If we vibrate at the frequency of love, gratitude, compassion and understanding, our...

What Do You Love?

Now is the perfect time to look deep within and ask ourselves what we want and how we’d like our life to be after we emerge out of self-isolation. The key is to be honest, allowing our full range of feelings to arise. The painful feelings illustrate what we...

Fields of Energy

We are biochemical, electro-magnetic organisms. Subtle energy streams through our bodies, constantly sending signals and communicating information. This energy is naturally transmitted beyond the boundaries of our body and has an impact on everyone we come into...