The Case for Tolerance

Next time you make a snap judgment about someone, ask yourself this question: If you had exactly the same DNA, the same family experience, education, social relationships, advantages, disadvantages, insights and blind spots – would you have behaved any...

In Favor of Nuance

The subtleties of life don’t get explained in sound bytes. Characterizing anything with broad brush strokes may be convenient, but it can’t accurately describe the complexity, interconnectness and nuance of the real world. Beware: anytime something is...

Embodied Understanding: Part III

Your emotional experiences, whether wanted or not, get stored in your mind/body. The only way to be free of programming that stands in the way of positive change is to actually feel your emotions physically, rather then just think them. When you feel frustrated, sad...

Wagged by Your Emotions?

When you embody the understanding of the principle of opposites, your emotions no longer have control over you. You can respond with equanimity to every situation. Even if you think ups and downs make you feel alive, the sweetness of tranquility will quickly prove...