Master This

Peace of mind comes from understanding that yesterday’s thoughts and actions created today’s experience; just like today’s thoughts and actions create tomorrow’s. By choosing your thoughts wisely you develop self-mastery. The only mastery that...

Lemonade Stand

The tree of life drops a lemon every now and then. Your experience doesn’t depend nearly so much on what actually happens to you, as it does on how you handle it. The most loving thing you can do for yourself is make lemonade. And then sell it....

Cup Overflowing?

When you know everything, there’s no room to learn. When your mind isn’t stuffed to the brim with facts, there’s space for wisdom and understanding. A cup half full is good. Merci

Circle or Spiral

Everything in the Universe goes in cycles. If you stick to the same old routine and avoid challenges, you end up going in circles. If you step outside your comfort zone and expand your horizons, you spiral up… The evolutionary ladder....

Night At The Oscars

You’re the writer, producer, director, and actor of the movie called YOU. If you could just snap your fingers to make it happen, how would you change the script? Since you’re already playing all these roles, why not play them with intention? Now, write...