Trust in Yourself

The path to peace in the present moment requires trust in yourself. Placing your trust in others creates a dependency and opportunity for disappointment. Not because they’re undependable or unreliable, but rather because you are the only one who will always be...

Unexpected Surprises

When we encounter the unexpected and unwanted, it’s wise to take a moment to feel our emotional reaction. Once we’ve fully felt those feelings, we can investigate the situation with curiosity and look for how the new situation may actually be beneficial....

Stretch and Relax

When you stretch yourself by taking risks and trusting, life supports you and pulls you forward. When you relax in your comfort zone, life supports that, too. Stretching and relaxing are both necessary. Without alternating, you’ll either burn out or begin to...

What’s Best for Others

It’s normal to think we know what’s best for others, but no matter how well we know someone, we can’t really be sure what will bring about their highest purpose. We all need to go through the fire sometimes to develop beyond our challenges. None of...

It All Works Out

In spite of how it sometimes seems from our limited viewpoint, things almost always work out in our best interest. Because we can’t see the big picture, we don’t always recognize this. However, in retrospect we usually see that our biggest challenges and...

The Art of Expectation

Having a strong expectation that your goals and dreams will manifest is a fundamental part of attaining them. But, holding rigid requirements about the way in which results must show up increases the likelihood of dissatisfaction. Once the vision is clear, it’s...