Healing the Body

The first line of defense against sickness is keeping our minds healthy. Consuming a diet of fear, worry, hatred, jealousy or other destructive thoughts wears us down and negatively impacts our health. Even the miracles of modern medicine are no match for the side...

Only Love Is Real

Our programming determines what we believe and expect, whether it’s accurate or not. If we have trust issues, we’re likely to notice things that justify our suspicions. If we’re prone to fear, our imagination sees danger everywhere, turning ropes...

Knowing When to Quit

Staying in a situation that’s emotionally toxic is self-destructive. No amount of justification will make it better. Wisdom is knowing when to quit. Looking within and being willing to own our part can help us expand enough to see if we’re contributing to...

Conflict and Drama

If you frequently experience conflict and drama in your life, you might be addicted to the energy and attention it brings. Others don’t cause your feelings, they result from the way you perceive, interpret and react to people and circumstances. There’s one...

Pain Without Suffering

Pain and suffering are related, but quite different from one another. Both physical and emotional pain result from a wound, affliction or illness. Suffering is a signal that the mind and ego have become involved. We don’t always have control over what causes...

Make the World Better

If we want to make the world a better place, the way to begin is to be kind to ourselves. The way we treat ourselves has an impact on everyone we deal with because we’ll treat them the same way too. In the same way discarding litter in the world makes a mess for...