Vibrational Nature of the Universe

Everything in the Universe interacts through vibration. Your entire being is like a tuner that scans different channels and searches for frequencies that match it. You can adjust the dial by focusing your attention and cultivating particular thoughts about your...

A Quiet Mind Sees Clearly

Thinking, no matter how brilliant, won’t help you access the wisdom available to a quiet mind. The same way clear water allows a view of the lake bottom, a still mind reveals the nature of your being. Incessant mental chatter blocks clarity just like heavy...

Happiness Is a Learned Skill

If you want to live a joyous life, learn how to regulate your thoughts. Your thinking is not merely a rational and objective response to external events. It’s an endless series of instantaneous micro-decisions that cumulatively create your emotional landscape....

Keep It Clean

Underneath the chatter, your mind is spacious and clear. When you concentrate on the present moment, you’re rooted in peace, calm and joy. When you condemn or judge others, you pollute your mind. Indulging in these kinds of toxic thoughts contaminates you and...

A Healthy Focus

Whatever you consistently focus your energy on naturally becomes a larger part of your awareness. That’s why it is so important to think about what you appreciate and want more of. Don’t waste time self-destructively focusing on what aggravates you. A...

Energy Management

The kind of thoughts you entertain create the energetic and emotional environment in which you live. If you are critical, envious, judgmental or intolerant, you diminish your energy and limit your creativity. If you focus on what’s working well now or think...