The Ultimate Success

Society measures success through all kinds of metrics, like fame, fortune and achievement. You may have even crossed off all the items on your bucket list of things to do before you die. But there’s one accomplishment that goes far beyond these commonly...

Posing is Perilous

Success requires confidence but if it morphs into arrogance it can easily backfire on you. Whether in the personal or professional sphere, building a pedestal for yourself and posturing on it can be a perilous proposition. Since life seeks equilibrium, over-hyping...

Be a Failure

There are two types of failure: One is failing to even try to accomplish what you want. The other is failing to achieve what you want. The first type makes you a failure. The second, is justĀ a transitory location on the path to satisfaction. You will experience the...

Tackle Fear Head-on

Fear keeps you playing small. Though it may seem like your reasons are legitimate, your concern is usually just your ego worrying about presenting an unfavorable image. Whether you fail or succeed, it has no bearing whatsoever on your worthiness. Scared of something?...

Exactly the Same

Some people want to be admired by millions of adoring fans, while others would prefer to live quietly in a monastery. Some strive to become billionaires; others believe in living simply. Collectors enjoy the delicacy of rare items, bargain hunters are concerned more...

Do Your Best

When you give something your full effort, no matter how it turns out, you know you did your best and you have no regrets. Doing your best means that once you decide to do something, you do everything in your power to make it work. People sometimes hold back because...