Healthy Love

Our capacity to love others is based on our ability to love ourselves. Unless we can forgive, accept and even appreciate our own imperfections, we are unlikely to be able to do so for others. Discipline in observing our thoughts is required in order to develop greater...

Love Being You

No matter who you are or what you do, you are perfect just as you are. The fact that you are alive and exist on this planet makes you worthy. You made the cut. You are unique and nobody else can do what you are here to do. Whether you are famous or average makes no...

How to Treat Yourself

Your inner dialogue says a lot about how you treat yourself. Being self-loving isn’t selfish, it’s a prerequisite for well-being. It comes from having a deep appreciation for being alive. Here are a few practices that can enhance your self-appreciation:...

Who You Hang With

Who we spend time with has a profound effect on our lives. Those who judge and criticize, no matter how they dress it, are not doing anyone a favor. People who perceive imperfections in others are often seeking to strengthen their own identity in hopes of feeling...

Cycle of Love

Basing your self-esteem on how you compare with others eventually backfires because it turns every person you meet into an opponent. In truth, the only healthy comparison is between you before and you now. Are you kinder, more relaxed and happier than you used to be?...

The Perfect Mirror

Even when we’re certain that our problems are caused by others, there’s a constant in every situation that ought to make us question this notion: US! We may feel better temporarily if we consider others to be responsible for our hardship, but it will be to...