The Way to Be

Practice wanting for others what you want for yourself by being Christ-like rather than Christian, Muhammad-like rather than Muslim and Buddha-like rather than Buddhist. -Wayne Dyer. While political and religious identities can give meaning, it’s easy to become...

Cultivating Your “I Am”

The gap between your real potential and your self-perceived potential is dependent on how you feel about yourself. Your capacity to take on challenges, remain flexible, accept your humanness and express yourself authentically is initially limited by your...


When we lie, we naturally think others do, too. When we deceive, we worry that we’ll be deceived. When we constantly find fault, we fear criticism by others. The saying from childhood ‘what you say is what you are,’ is actually based on a deep truth....

Feeling Worthy

Your inherent worthiness is never in question. The fact that one out of a hundred million sperm won the race to create you confirms it. In truth, you’re no less special than anyone else and no more special either. Ironically, the desire to feel superior actually...


When we don’t ‘show up’ as we’d hoped, it can be embarrassing. It’s natural to want to be considered intelligent, funny, charismatic or athletic, etc… It’s normal to feel embarrassed when (we think) we aren’t perceived that...

Identity Through Comparison

When you base your self-esteem on external conditions, you’re bound to be disappointed. There will always be someone who does it better, faster or smarter than you do. What real difference does it make if you (or they) are better at something? It always feels...