Worthy, Not Equal

People are not created equal in each and every way. Some are good at math, some language, some athletics, some art. Regardless of how successful you are in any endeavor, there is one thing that you are the absolute best at being: you. It’s not important if your...

Be Nice

No matter who you’re talking to, the way you talk has the biggest impact on you. Your subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between you and others, so when you speak disrespectfully, angrily or in a shaming manner, you’re actually doing it to...

BYOB (Bring Your Own Buoyancy)

Self-confidence is an appealing quality. It’s easy to be around you when you deeply appreciate yourself. You know that good things emanate from your ability to be at peace with who you are. You understand that self-love develops from within. When you stop...

Erase this Programming

In order to live up to the expectations of society, it often feels necessary to conform to established standards and fall in step. But rules and convention can dampen creativity. Fear of being seen as different or even weird for deviating from the norm can keep you...

You Are Worthy

Every culture sets parameters for success and achievement and then encourages it’s citizens to rise to those lofty heights. Competition is often the mechanism through which people attempt to prove their value. There’s nothing wrong with trying your best to...