Our Words Matter

If we could fully grasp the effect our thoughts and words have on our lives, we’d probably be shocked. While it might seem tedious to monitor our thinking, it’s far easier than living with the repercussions of unconscious habits. Our subconscious mind...

Our Reactions

Our experiences are created by our reactions. If a car is careening toward us, swerving to avoid a head-on would be an intelligent reaction. We wouldn’t crash into them just to teach them a lesson. Martial arts teaches us that the simple act of turning or...


Feeling superior to others about anything, signals an underlying feeling of inferiority. The two always go together. The way to grow beyond the unsatisfying superior-inferior continuum is to fully accept ourselves as-is. When we’re grateful for our gifts without...

Our Ride Through Life

The same journey can feel difficult or fluid, depending on how we choose to interpret and respond to what we encounter. The way we frame this moment affects not only how we’ll experience the next one but even what comes. If we blame the world for the what we...

A Healing Technique

When we’re feeling sad, anxious, scared or angry, fighting against the feelings won’t help. The shortest way through the discomfort is to acknowledge the truth about how we feel. Rather than trying to feel something else, staying with the feelings as...

Healing Our Shadow

Everyone has a shadow that contains aspects of our personalities that our conscious ego doesn’t recognize in itself. Until we’ve accepted ourselves unconditionally, we’ll deny these disowned qualities and project them onto others while feeling...