As Within, So Without

Material fortune is not the sign of true wealth. After all, we could have the world at our fingertips and still be miserable or have just enough and be filled with joy. True wealth is cultivated from within by becoming conscious of our thoughts. Whatever we nurture in...

Stop Shoulding

When life feels dull and we can’t seem to find the motivation to get ourselves out of the doldrums, we might not be living according to our own desires, but feeling dragged down by our own ‘shoulds‘ or those imposed on us from others. Healthy...

Is Life Fair?

When we look around and see the diversity of material fortune, intelligence, physical prowess and natural beauty, life doesn’t seem fair. What’s not so obvious is that even an abundance of these qualities can’t guarantee a happy life. Happiness comes...

Nothing to Defend

There’s absolutely nothing to be defensive about. We’re exactly who we need to be in this moment. Any ‘blind spots’ we have (and we all have them) will create interactions and experiences that will bring them to our attention. Those experiences...

Transform It

When we’re unhappy with something in our lives, it’s important to be honest with ourselves about how we feel. Deny or ignoring it doesn’t make it better. It’s usually when we’ve completely had enough and can’t tolerate it anymore...


When we find ourselves responding defensively to a judgment or criticism, we can rest assured that a healing opportunity has arisen. If we go into our defensive stance and ask ourselves what it would feel like to own the judgment, we usually find the reason...