Awareness, Acceptance and Responsibility

When we’re afraid of feeling blame or shame, it’s difficult to accept responsibility for our actions. A good way to move through life with integrity is to ask ourselves: what within us might have wanted to create this situation? Real growth only happens...


No one escapes the growth pains that accompany life’s challenges. But what happens isn’t as important as how we deal with it. When we really investigate distressing situations, they can serve us. If we connect the way we’re feeling with our thoughts...


If you often feel victimized by challenging situations or difficult people, take a moment to pause and ask yourself if you might be attracting them in order to distract yourself from unexplored feelings you have. It doesn’t matter whose problems they are, drama...

Are You Defensive?

It can be difficult to hear that something you said or did felt bad to a friend or loved one. Mature people don’t want to consciously hurt others, but even when we don’t intend it, our inflection or the way we phrase our words can be misconstrued and...

Make No Excuses

If a legitimate problem results from something you’ve said or done, don’t make excuses. Accept your role in the matter, apologize and take whatever corrective actions you can. Unless someone asks you for one, justifying your behavior with an explanation...


There’s nothing more beneficial for your personal well-being than acknowledging how you really feel, exploring what’s making you feel that way, (it’s never anyone else) and then acting in alignment with what’s true for you. Untamed thoughts and...