Loosen the Knot

Think of something in your life that you have no control over and you’re unhappy about. Now, let go and accept it. Relax and allow it to be. Tying yourself up in knots doesn’t help. Remember, all things come to pass. Untangle. Merci

Time Is Relative

If you don’t pay attention to time in music, no one can play with you. If you ignore time in your commitments, no one will want to play with you. When it comes to time in healing, whether physically or emotionally, you can’t rush it. If you’re caught...

The Big Picture

Getting bogged down with details causes you to feel stuck. The same intelligence that digests your food and pumps your blood will handle most of your concerns, if you just let it. Set your sights on what you want. Turn it over to your inner genius and take action from...