Easy to Judge

Even though judgments about other people often seem justified and accurate, remember that every opinion is filtered through your conditioning and beliefs. Next time you feel the temptation to criticize others, remember that the more you judge, the more you feel...

The Real Problem

You only resist what’s happening in the moment when you define something as undesirable. Your conditioning informs your interpretation, which causes you to feel the way you do. When you allow reality to be as it is, you understand that it’s neutral until...

The Big Picture

When you judge something as “bad”, remember you can’t know for sure it shouldn’t be happening exactly as it is. Your own experience has probably shown you that the most painful events can bring about the most cherished transformation. When...

The Wheel of Life

When something doesn’t go your way, you can fret about it or discover how it’s “for” you. In spite of appearances, reality never gets it wrong. Things may appear bad, but if you look for the silver lining, you’ll usually find it. On the wheel of life your...