The Antidote to Fear

Sometimes your mind grabs hold of some future event and conjures up every imaginable thing that could go wrong. Fear is the primary emotion created by these self-spun webs. The worst part is that your mind doesn’t even process entire events. It takes small...

Be the Observer

Your five senses enable you to gather data from the world around you. Your response to this information is often so automatic that you’re not even aware of the thousands of judgment calls you make every single day. But if you pay close attention, you’ll...

For Your Greatest Good

Every circumstance you find yourself in offers you the opportunity to view it as for you, against you or somewhere in betwiddle. Whether you’re aware of it or not, the choice is always yours. When you decide to look for how each moment holds the key to your...

Ubiquitous Joy

Symptom seven of Conscious Awakening:  The ability to enjoy something about every moment. Time is made up of nothing more than a very long string of separate moments. Your attitude about life is essentially created by the average emotional and psychological set point...