Your Mind’s Makeup

Part of our brain function is genetically determined. Another very large part of its capacity is conditioned by the environment in which it develops and lives. Our social context teaches us how to respond to opportunities, threats, penalties and rewards. The way we...

Depth and Understanding

Just as depth perception requires seeing with two eyes, deeply understanding any situation necessitates examining it from various angles. We each perceive reality from a unique perspective and every point of view has blind spots. We all tend to see what we expect to...

Presumption of Innocence

How we frame others’ actions determines how we feel. If we see someone driving erratically and find out they’re rushing a loved one to the hospital, we’ll be far more understanding than we would be if we thought they were driving recklessly for...

The Power of Positioning

Economic downturns, catastrophic weather and international turmoil are beyond your control, but the condition of the world need not dominate your experience when you’re in charge of your well-being. You have the ability to consciously choose what influences your...

The Best Nourishment Available

There’s little question that a balanced diet and regular exercise promote good health. However, what benefits your mental, emotional and physical well-being most is healthy thinking. Accepting life as it happens, letting go things you can’t change,...

Waves of Life

Sometimes the waves of life wash in joy. Sometimes they bring grief. But, there’s a way to remain anchored to your core even when unwanted ones crash against you. No matter which wave you’re dealing with now, remember, it will soon pass. Understanding the...