True Definition of Love

Truly loving someone means we love them without qualification. Even when we don’t like or accept their behavior, we still love them. When someone no longer fits the role we’ve expected them to play in our life, we can set limits, reduce our involvement,...

Disconnection from Love

When we see others through a lens of love, we’re more understanding and tolerant. We can even set boundaries and express our feelings honestly, but we do so with a tender remembrance that everyone is basically trying to find relief or feel better. The more kind...

What Matters

Making a name for ourselves and excelling in our careers might seem like the most important goals in life, but eventually we find they prove to be hollow compared with other, less glamorous pursuits like forging deep connections with loved ones, acting with kindness...

Cycle of Love

Basing your self-esteem on how you compare with others eventually backfires because it turns every person you meet into an opponent. In truth, the only healthy comparison is between you before and you now. Are you kinder, more relaxed and happier than you used to be?...

The Gift of Love

True love requires nothing in return. Their happiness is what we want even when their desires don’t align with our preferences. This doesn’t mean we don’t set boundaries or require kindness. It may even be healthy to distance ourselves if mutual...

What’s Important?

Trying to carve out a name for ourselves can cause us to lose sight of what’s really important. The quest for approval often steers us away from what our heart knows is real. At the end of life, no one wishes their career had been more successful. They may,...